Accountant options
The 2 types of accountancy services
1) The end of year panic and cost
The end of financial year arrive you contact this guy asking you to do you papers, he ok, ask you to send all your documents and make you pay £800-1200 and you won’t talk to him until next year. He might give you little advice about dividend and things but you will have to do your job to get those info. You probably will have to join an other platform or software in order to have your bookkeeping, keep track of your invoice paid or unpaid, etc.
2) The monthly take my money but make me feel secure
You pay a service monthly, your accountant provide a software for you were you can log your contracts, invoices, bookkeeping, they basically don’t have much to do after as you
I more a feel safe type of person, I want to know how much I have and how much I can spend.
I am gonna give you the one I picked as I am truly happy with them. I know what you will think, well you got some sponsoring or something? Not really no, it’s true I do have a discount code for you if you use them, who will also give me a discount. But they didn’t buy me or anything. I like their software, I rarely have to talk to them so it’s great, and when I do they reply fast enough for me (24h in my case).